SKKU Security Lab (seclab) supports research and education in security engineering. The lab is a part of the College of Software, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU). Our research goal is to make systems more trustworthy and usable by solving some of the real-world security challenges we face today. Its current research projects concern human/device authentication, usable security, mobile security, digital forensics, and web security. The lab is also involved in security education at all levels at the University. The web pages here provide materials for each member in the lab and guides for students who are interested in studying security.
Our lab calendar can be found here.
The lab is always looking for excellent graduate students and postdocs. There are also a limited number of open positions for very talented undergraduate students who are passionate about security engineering. If you want to do research in seclab, please contact Prof. Hyoungshick Kim by email.
Our motto is: Done is better than perfect! (The only way to do it is to do it!)