seclab welcomes its new members!
To facilitate your successful settlement in the SKKU ECE and seclab, you are encouraged to take the following steps in the specified order:
- Set up your desk in the office #85569. You need to get the 4-digit secret code from a lab member to access to the office.
- Set up your computer. To install some necessary software (e.g. Windows OS), you can borrow DVDs from the office #27421, Eng. 2.
- Set up your network environments. To do this, please discuss with the lab’s system admin (Eunsoo Kim).
- If you don’t have a SKKU account, then create it at Please use your English name rather than nickname for your official SKKU account if you can (it would be helpful for you if you want to pursue a career in the academy).
- Please provide your regular weekly timetable to Prof. Hyoungshick Kim via email. It will be helpful to reschedule the lab events.
- If you don’t have Google and Dropbox accounts, then create them. We use Google Calendar which should make scheduling events easier and Dropbox which should make file sharing easier. Provide your account information to the lab’s system admin.
- Contact the lab’s system admin with a photo of yourself, your new status, contact information, and affiliation. The admin will update your web page at People using the information you provide.
- Visit Overleaf and sign up using either your email address or Google account. Overleaf is a collaborative cloud-based LaTeX editor used for writing, editing and publishing scientific documents. You will be using it a lot when writing your own research paper or when co-authoring with your colleagues and/or other researchers. If you are in need for creating a new project through Overleaf, contact the admin with the project name and your Overleaf account.
- Please check the minimum requirements for Seclab students.
- “Graduate School Survival Guide”
- “Mihir Bellare’s educational resources”
- “The illustrated guide to a Ph.D.”, (by Matt Might)
- “10 easy ways to fail a Ph.D.”, (by Matt Might) (the Korean version)
- “The Researcher’s Bible”, (by Alan Bundy)
- “Managing your supervisor”, (by Toby Walsh)
- “Managing your supervisor”, (by Nick Feamster)
- “3 qualities of successful Ph.D. students”, (by Matt Might)
- “PhD Know-how”, (in Korean by Yoon Sup Choi)
- “Things every PhD student should know”, (in Korean by Changhyun Kwon)
- “Ph.D. Students Must Break Away From Undergraduate Mentality”, (by Jason Hong)
- “15 pieces of advice I wish my PhD advisor had given me”, (by Jim Kurose)
- Your body language may shape who you are [by Amy Cuddy]
Problem Solving
- “Feynman Algorithm“, (in Korean by Changhyun Kwon)
- “How to Read a Paper“, (by S. Keshav)
- “How to Read a Technical Paper“, (by Jason Eisner)
- “How to write a great research paper“, (by Simon Peyton Jones)
- “How to write top conference papers in security?”, video (by Yongdae Kim)
- “How (and How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper”, (by Roy Levin and David D. Redell)
- “Tips and Guidance for Students Writing Papers”, (by Gernot Heiser)
- “How To Write A Dissertation”
- “How to Write Research Papers”, (by Tao Xie)
- “How to Respond to a Revise and Resubmit”
- “Writing Rebuttals”
- “Storytelling 101: Writing Tips for Academics” (by Nick Feamster)
- “Writing a Literature Review”
- “Mathematical Writing”, (by Donald E. Knuth)
- “How do I write a good research paper?” (by Andrew J. Ko)
- “Catchy Titles Are Good: But Avoid Being Cute” (by Jacob O. Wobbrock)
- “Writing a position paper”
- “10 tips for writing a truly terrible journal article” (by Bert Blocken)
- “Writing a good introduction” (by Jim Kurose)
- “A structure of academic papers” (in Korean by Hyoungshick Kim)
- “Examples of author contribution statements”
- How to Have a Bad Carrer in Research/Academia [by David A. Patterson]
Writing reviews
- “Writing reviews for systems conferences“, (by Timothy Roscoe)
- “Networking on the Network”, (by Phil Agre)
- “Attending an academic conference”, (by Michael Ernst)
- “The Travel Grant HOWTO”, (by Christian Kreibich)
- Presenter Travel Award Letter Example
- How to contact the shepherd
- “How to write a good email to your supervisor”, (in Korean by Changhyun Kwon)
- “How to give a technical presentation”, (by Michael Ernst)
- “Presenting a Technical Talk”, (by Nick Feamster)
- “How to Give an Academic Talk”, (by Paul N. Edwards)
- “How to give a good research talk”, (by Simon Peyton Jones)
- “Armando’s Paper Writing and Presentations”, (by Armando Fox)
How to research
- “Research Patterns” (by Nick Feamster)
- “Common Pitfalls in Writing about Security and Privacy Human Subjects Experiments, and How to Avoid Them”, (by Stuart Schechter)
- Things you may not know before papers get accepted
Academic services
Statistical methods
Security courses
- Introduction to computer security at YouTube
- Computer system security at MIT OCW
- Computer system security at MIT
- Information security at SJSU
- Software security at ASU
- Seed Labs
- Learning computer security
- Introduction to Cryptography by Christof Paar
- Developing Secure Systems at PITT
- Software Defined Networking Lab
- Free Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering
- Python courses for ethical hackers
- Ethical Hacking Full Course
- Cryptography at University of Cambridge
- Security Engineering at University of Cambridge
- CryptoVerif tutorial
- TryHackMe
Computer Science courses
- Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
- Introduction to Computer Science and Programming in Python
- Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science
- Introduction to Algorithms 2011
- Introduction to Algorithms 2020
- Artificial Intelligence
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Introduction to Algorithms (SMA 5503, Korean)
- Programming for the Puzzled
- The Missing Semester of Your CS Education
Machine Learning courses
- “Why Latex?”
- Latex Table Generator
- Detexify: Latex Symbol Generator
- Words counters: TeXcount
- Tex files comparison (for revision): latexdiff, latexdiff in overleaf latexdiff command: latexdiff -p preamble.tex old\main.tex new\main.tex –flatten > mydiff.tex
- Breaking long URLs
- Image similarity measures
- Gnuplot: Frequently used commands
- seaborn: statistical data visualization
- Acronymify!
- SKKU IRB (for human subjects studies)
- Graduate fellowship opportunities
- Time converter (for the deadline in your time zone)
- Likert scale examples
- Anonymous GitHub (for anonymizing the GitHub repository)
Programming Language
- C language: A list of books, Programming practice problems
- C and C++ courses: MIT OCW course
- Solidity: Solidity (in Korean), Solidity Tutorials
- GDB: quick reference, tutorial, user manual
- Python: If you are new to Python, you may find it valuable to work through the code academy Python tutorials, Introduction to Computer Science and Programming (at MIT), Develop with Python on Windows or Google’s Python class; Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures using Python; Python Tutorials for security applications; please see a free textbook (Python for Informatics).
- Android: Android Cross Reference
- Programming challenges: Baekjoon Online Judge, leetcode and Codeforces
- Big and Little Endian
Offensive Security Tools
- CTF: guideline
- Radare2: document for self-learning, r2pipe for scripting, cutter for GUI
- Utility to decode or encode base64 and other formats
- Utility to generate cryptographic hashes including MD5, SHA1
- ODA: online disassembler
Machine Learning
- Comparing Python Clustering Algorithms
- Clustering using scikit
- Classification and regression measures
- Calculating feature importance scores
- NETRON (Neural network viewer)
- tsfresh: Calculating time series features
- AutoML
- Sentiment analysis
Security paper
- Influential Security Papers
- A list of great research papers
- A list of blockchain papers
- A list of usable security papers
- Plagiarism
- Moss (for detecting software plagiarism)
- Number Theory for Cryptographers
- A Computational Introduction to Number Theory and Algebra (by Victor Shoup)
- Network Security Tools
- SSL Security test:
- IoT Security
- Usable Security
- English
- Formal vs Informal English
- Spelling checkers: Online spellchecker
- Korean